
The Ultimate Contrast Between Retail and E-Commerce Packaging Boxes

  • Rating : 4.7/5
  • Posted on : January 6, 2024
  • Written by : Emenac Packaging UK
  • Category : Blog

Packaging, like businesses, is categorised into 2 different classes, retail and e-commerce. The purpose of both types of packaging is the same, they are both supposed to protect your brand’s products effectively and to work as the perfect marketing strategy for your brand. But even though there are similarities between them, there are quite a few significant variances between the two types of packaging boxes that make a bold difference.

Before we get into contrasting retail packaging and e-commerce packaging let’s go through a brief introduction of both:

Retail Packaging:

It is the type of packaging that is opted for by businesses that offer an in-store shopping experience for their customers. This is used for products that are displayed in stores and retail shops, hence the name, retail packaging.

E-commerce Packaging:

This type of packaging refers to the packaging bags and boxes that are used for products that are sold online and not in-store. E-stores or online shopping stores use this sort of packaging to ship their products directly to their customers instead of retail stores.

The Contrast:

It is extremely crucial to understand the differences between e-commerce packaging and retail packaging to understand which works best for your business and its products’ requirements, as well as those of your clientele. This is because the type of packaging you choose can significantly impact your business and its image.

Let’s see what the differences between the two types of packaging are:

1. Sturdiness:

Retail packaging is usually used for products that are shipped in bulk and shipped in large vessels from the warehouses to the store. Whereas the packaging boxes for e-commerce products are shipped individually by roads in smaller vessels and need to withstand bumpy rides all the way to the customer’s address. This calls for the e-commerce packaging to be sturdier and more durable than retail packaging.

2. Customisation:

Unlike retail packaging, e-commerce packaging is the only connection an e-store has to the customer besides the product itself, therefore it should be special. To introduce that aura of speciality into the packaging e-commerce often opts for custom packaging bags or boxes. This results in memorable unpacking or unboxing experiences. 

3. Sizes:

There also is a major contrast in the sizes of both types of packaging boxes. As e-commerce packaging boxes are shipped individually, they are crafted in a custom size that fits the products so that the product does not ruin during freight. This also cuts back on the shipment costs. Retail Packaging however usually is standard sized.

4. The Material:

Because e-stores have to plan on how to cut back on shipment costs, they have to choose materials for custom packaging bags and boxes that however are durable but are also lightweight. Comparatively, retail packaging is made from materials that are not so light in weight.

5. Graphics and Design:

Retail packaging usually has attention-grabbing designs and graphics adorning it to attract customers who go shopping in-store, whereas e-commerce packaging often possesses simple and minimal designs owing to the smaller sizes of the packaging boxes and bags.

Concluding Remarks:

Working with a proficient packaging manufacturer can benefit you in understanding and opting for the perfect packaging solutions that resonate with the unique demands of your business. If you are looking for such a packaging supplier then look no further and order packaging boxes and bags from Emenac Packaging UK, and you will not be disappointed!